Time Management

01.50 Goal Setting Part 1

  Question: where is your life headed? No, really. Many people feel like they’re drifting through life because they haven’t spent enough time seriously considering what they want from life. Something you’ll hear over & over here at The SAFE Steps is “Begin with the end in mind” & that’s what this episode is all

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01.47 Finding Balance

  We’ve discussed time management previously, but today the focus is using it to find balance in your life. One definition of balance is: “a condition in which different elements are equal, or in the correct proportions.” School, extracurricular activities, sports, part-time jobs, & responsibilities at home can become overwhelming. Stress keeps us focused &

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01.28 Debt 101

    Previously, we talked about earning “interest” on your money in savings accounts and deposits. What is interest? – Simply put, Interest is the premium paid for the use of money. Now, we’re going to explain “interest” as it relates to debt and borrowing money. So, why do we borrow money? We borrow money

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01.26 Interest

  Previously, we introduced you to Interest as it applies to Savings Accounts. Today we’re going to look a little deeper into interest and savings accounts. What is interest? – Simply put, Interest is the premium paid for the use of money. So what does that mean? Well, if you allow the bank to use

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